On behalf of all Laflin Borough Officials, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you.

We are providing this website as a service to our community and our visitors as well. If you would like anything added to this web site that would benefit our community please feel free to email us at BoroManager@laflinboro.com

Laflin Borough Community Park Walk Bridge Temporarily Closed

Creekside Community Park Pedestrian Walk Bridge Update 2/20/24:

Repairs to the footbridge could not take place until further engineering inspections could be done. Pennoni Associates, Inc., the borough engineer, is still working on the footbridge inspection report which should be finalized in early March. However, we should have an engineering repair plan available next week for contractors to bid on the project for repairs.

Separately, Williams Gas Pipeline Company is due to return this spring to complete the ballfield restoration work. The work couldn’t be completed until additional DEP permits were in place. Ballfield underground drainage work, grass sodding and DiamondTex infield dirt will be installed.

A new pavilion will be erected from funding also provided by the Williams Gas Co.

The ballfield dugout roofs will be replaced with new framing and shingles.


Pedestrian Bridge Update 1/26/24:

The bridge to the walking track area will be closed for approximately two weeks to allow for the fabrication of replacement parts. The parts will be welded in place after received.


Pedestrian Bridge Closed:  1/25/24

The Creekside Community Park walking track / ballfield area is temporarily closed due to repairs needed to the footbridge across Gardner Creek.  The bridge will be inspected by an engineer this afternoon with a contractor scheduled for tomorrow.  However, the bridge status opening will depend on the findings of the structural engineer. 

You can contact the Laflin Borough office if you have any questions.

Laflin Vol. Fire Dept. – ISO Public Protection Classification

The ISO PPC rating helps to establish fire insurance premiums for residential and commercial properties in Laflin Borough. Insurance companies use the information on a community’s fire-protection services as provide by the ISO information through the Public Protection Classification program.

The Laflin Volunteer Fire Dept. received an excellent PPC rating of 4/4X.
Check Here to View the Summary Report:  LVFD PPC Report 2024.

No Refuse Collections Tomorrow 2/13/24

No Garbage or Recycling Collections Tomorrow 2/13/2024
Casella Waste Systems (formerly County Waste/GFL) has informed me that they will not be collecting tomorrow due to potential winter weather and road condition issues.  Pick-up will be on Wednesday, 2/14/24
Contact the Borough if you have any questions. (570) 654-3323.
From Casella Waste:
Due to the impending weather Tuesday, February 13, 2024, Casella will be closed. We will resume operation Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Trash and recycling will be on one day delay.

TVs & Computer Monitors – Best Buy Recycling

Best Buy stores in Pennsylvania are once again accepting televisions and monitors (up to 49”) for recycling.  There are a few restrictions, and a fee in most cases, associated with this program.

  • Only televisions/monitors up to 49 inches will be accepted;
  • There is a limit or two items per day (two televisions or two monitors; or one of each);
  • Best Buy branded televisions and monitors (Dynex or Insignia) will be accepted at no charge;
  • Televisions and monitors of other brands will be accepted, but the resident will be charged $29.99 per television or monitor.  Residents paying the collection fee will be issued a $30 Best Buy Gift Card;
  • Please note, this collection fee model is acceptable in accordance with Section 504 of the Covered Device Recycling Act (CDRA).

Information provided by Berit Case, DEP Recycling Coordinator, Northeast Regional Office, W-B